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A Culture of Continuous Testing

By Roy Wollen on Oct 16, 2019 9:50:33 PM

Marketer's Guide to Effective Email: Part 3

The best email marketers I know welcome “failure.” What I’m referring to is cultivating a culture of continuous testing where failure is seen as learning. Marketers play offense by testing everything and that moves the ball forward. But failure is a way to play defense and a test result can be an early warning not to rollout a message, price change or offer and make a costly mistake.

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5 min read

Not Everyone Wants Your Email

By Roy Wollen on Oct 16, 2019 9:49:28 PM

Marketer's Guide to Effective Email: Part 2

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3 min read

Best Practices Start with Sign-Up

By Roy Wollen on Oct 16, 2019 9:45:48 PM

Marketer's Guide to Effective Email Part 1:

The most successful marketers leverage email to strengthen the bond with their best customers. Customers seek out brand emails in a cluttered inbox. Customers feel like they are having a conversation with the brand. We have spent years analyzing email strategies from the best marketers in the world to uncover five things that make them great:

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5 min read

Business To Business Research Needs To Change

By Hansa Marketing on Sep 1, 2019 9:55:00 PM

By Wayne Marks, President, Hansa|GCR

Marketers confront a real paradox when dealing with business customers, and this paradox is often not realized or addressed in approaches to understanding what drives corporate decisions. The paradox is: Am I selling to a person or a company? The answer is “both.”

At a basic level, interactions between companies are simply interactions between people. That may sound silly, but consider its implications. Buyers who work in companies don’t change their bodies when they leave work and then they go home and become purchasers of consumer goods and services. As consumers, they walk around as a package of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes, along with a history of experiences in buying goods and services and an ever-evolving set of expectations. None of this goes away when they go to work the next day and dress up in their corporate buyer persona.

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2 min read

Master the RFP Process: Start with your Needs Analysis

By Roy Wollen on Sep 1, 2019 10:27:00 AM

By Roy Wollen, President, Hansa Marketing Services.

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4 min read

Consulting on Marketing Dashboards: Get the Insider's Top Ten Tips

By Roy Wollen on Jan 31, 2013 10:43:00 AM

By Roy Wollen, President, Hansa Marketing Services.

If you’re responsible for marketing dashboards, you know you’re off to a bad start if you hear people say: So what? That’s nice to know, but what do I do with it? It’s pretty, but what’s next?

Business people are already inundated with numbers. To help you cut through the clutter, let’s discuss some pitfalls to avoid and top tips for developing marketing dashboards. But I will start by telling you the main takeaway: it’s not about creating cool gauges and dials, it’s about solving business problems.

Dashboards require planning. Dashboards embed actions. Dashboards have champions that socialize the work. This doesn’t happen because of a cool gadget.

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