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4 min read

A Culture of Continuous Testing

By Roy Wollen on Oct 16, 2019 9:50:33 PM

Marketer's Guide to Effective Email: Part 3

The best email marketers I know welcome “failure.” What I’m referring to is cultivating a culture of continuous testing where failure is seen as learning. Marketers play offense by testing everything and that moves the ball forward. But failure is a way to play defense and a test result can be an early warning not to rollout a message, price change or offer and make a costly mistake.

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5 min read

Not Everyone Wants Your Email

By Roy Wollen on Oct 16, 2019 9:49:28 PM

Marketer's Guide to Effective Email: Part 2

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3 min read

Best Practices Start with Sign-Up

By Roy Wollen on Oct 16, 2019 9:45:48 PM

Marketer's Guide to Effective Email Part 1:

The most successful marketers leverage email to strengthen the bond with their best customers. Customers seek out brand emails in a cluttered inbox. Customers feel like they are having a conversation with the brand. We have spent years analyzing email strategies from the best marketers in the world to uncover five things that make them great:

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