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8 min read

Take your email marketing beyond opens and clicks with a CDP

By Roy Wollen on May 8, 2024 10:49:41 AM

Meet our Email expertBook time to discuss your messaging program with our email expert, Brian Gruidl, VP of Email Marketing at Hansa.


Email has always been the ROI darling of Marketing Communications. But brands find it hard to resist the urge to email often and watch the cash register ring. It’s an easy trap to fall into; and that's why brands need a CDP to go beyond "opens and clicks."

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10 min read

Are CDPs worth the investment?

By Roy Wollen on Feb 11, 2024 4:10:34 PM

Are Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) worth the investment? What are the business outcomes CDPs deliver? What is the Return on Investment (ROI)? These are the questions Marketing leaders must ask to prove the value of a CDP as an investment, just like a new product, new store, new capital equipment. And to do that, we need a business case. Like all business cases, our CDP business case should:

  • Plan for the tangible, measurable, business benefits a CDP will deliver
  • Demonstrate incremental value (that wouldn’t be there without the CDP)
  • Deliver long-term profit while delivering a short-term payback 
  • Align with business strategies and integrate into the existing MarTech stack

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6 min read

Six ways Marketing leaders can collaborate with Tech

By Roy Wollen on Dec 8, 2023 9:32:08 AM

Technology leaders want a strong Marketing partner. They look to Marketing to be articulate, visionary; to build a consensus. They want Marketing leaders to define success and measure business outcomes. But are we- as Marketing leaders - up to the task?

There is a lot at stake. Without Marketing leadership, IT runs the risk of over scoping a solution or missing critical requirements (and under scoping). Either way that means trouble:

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7 min read

CDPs can make email more effective; but do brands have the courage to send fewer emails?

By Brian Gruidl on Oct 26, 2023 3:17:38 PM

Everyone talks about email personalization. And Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) can finally make this a reality. But are brands willing to listen? Do brands have the courage to send fewer emails? What if CDPs could improve email experiences and produce more revenue? 

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24 min read

Customer data is the reason CDPs were invented

By Roy Wollen on Sep 14, 2023 2:25:58 PM

CDP readiness series - getting the most out of customer data

No surprise: brands are inundated with customer data from various touchpoints. That’s why a Customer Data Platform (CDP) is important - to help businesses make sense of customer data and provide important benefits...

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